Jučer sam kupio proizvod za koji nikako nisam mogao dokučiti čemu služi. Donio sam ga kući i stavio na stol. Svi su ukućani pitali što je to. Iako nisam znao, rekao sam da je to aparat za razbijanje oraha, badema i lješnjaka. Sjeli smo za stol i pred sebe stavili nekoliko oraha i puno lješnjaka. Udarali smo aparatom po njima i razbijali ih dok se aparat na koncu nije raspao. Ukućani su zatim konstatirali da aparat ili nije namijenjen za razbijanje oraha, badema i lješnjaka ili su orasi i lješnjaci bili pretvrdi. Složio sam se.

Yesterday I bought a product whose purpose I couldn't grasp. I brought it home and put it on the table. All the housemates asked what it was. Although I didn't know, I said that it was a device for cracking walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. We sat down at the table and put some walnuts and a lot of hazelnuts before us. We battered them with the device, cracking them until the device finally fell apart. The housemates then concluded that either the purpose of the device wasn't to crack walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, or the walnuts and hazelnuts were too hard. I agreed.